Companies use team building activities for varieties of reasons. It is an effective tool and is used to improve motivation, morale, communication, trust, and knowledge. Individuals working in an organization add less while working separately, but when these individuals are put together for a common cause, they could generate ideas that will convert the loss or profit to a threshold. Team building activities for adults in the workplace helps a lot in increasing productivity, organizational change and making emergent strategies. As you know, today’s world is changing quite fast and to be responsive to these changes, the company has to act quite quickly. Here the role of Team building activities is crucial.
Team Building Activities for Adults in the Workplace Types
Team building activities is a broad term and has so many aspects within it. However, it is categorized into:
1. Communication Activities:
Communication is the key to success. Without it, you may not perform any task. In team-building activities, if members are not sharing thoughts and not freely discussing their critics, the usefulness of team building will fail. Communication is comprised of six elements, namely, sender, message, encoding, channel, receiver, and decoding. The sender is the initial point in any communication process and the receiver is the ending. The communication channel is defined as the manner in which data or information within or outside the organization flows.
2. Decision-Making Activities:
When members of team building activities are considering various options for implementation, they have to decide which one to choose. They have to consider various factors like financial restrictions, environmental legislation, taxation rules, political risk, economic risk and country environment while analyzing each and every option. Members may use various tools such as What if analysis, Delphi methods, simulation method, decision trees, and decision tables to judge the likely outcome and making decisions.
3. Planning Activities:
Members should be aware of how they should plan out a strategy. Here comes the concept of Management Planning. It is simply defined as the process of analyzing the goals of an organization and then develops a realistic road map to achieve those goals. Short term and long term strategies are developed. Due to the changing environment, members must be able to alter changes in these strategies to achieve goals. The major steps in conducting Planning Activities are establishing the goals, identify key resources, establish goal-related activities, prioritize objectives and activities, set assignment and time period, develop evaluation/ analysis methods, alternative sets of actions in case any unanticipated event takes place.
4. Trust Building Activities:
Trust is compulsory between members and throughout the organization. There are various techniques to develop trust in members of team building activities:
• Circle of friends (maximum number of members 10-15, time: 20 minutes required)
• Touch the can (8 larger groups divided into smaller group, time: 15 – 20 minutes)
• Trust box (minimum number of members 10 or more, time: 10 minutes)
• Trust pinball (Group of 10 or more, time: 10 to 15 minutes)
• Trust wave(Group of 10 or more, time: 30 minutes)
Team Building Activities for Adults in the Workplace Types
Team building activities is a broad term and has so many aspects within it. However, it is categorized into:
1. Communication Activities:
Communication is the key to success. Without it, you may not perform any task. In team-building activities, if members are not sharing thoughts and not freely discussing their critics, the usefulness of team building will fail. Communication is comprised of six elements, namely, sender, message, encoding, channel, receiver, and decoding. The sender is the initial point in any communication process and the receiver is the ending. The communication channel is defined as the manner in which data or information within or outside the organization flows.
2. Decision-Making Activities:
When members of team building activities are considering various options for implementation, they have to decide which one to choose. They have to consider various factors like financial restrictions, environmental legislation, taxation rules, political risk, economic risk and country environment while analyzing each and every option. Members may use various tools such as What if analysis, Delphi methods, simulation method, decision trees, and decision tables to judge the likely outcome and making decisions.
3. Planning Activities:
Members should be aware of how they should plan out a strategy. Here comes the concept of Management Planning. It is simply defined as the process of analyzing the goals of an organization and then develops a realistic road map to achieve those goals. Short term and long term strategies are developed. Due to the changing environment, members must be able to alter changes in these strategies to achieve goals. The major steps in conducting Planning Activities are establishing the goals, identify key resources, establish goal-related activities, prioritize objectives and activities, set assignment and time period, develop evaluation/ analysis methods, alternative sets of actions in case any unanticipated event takes place.
4. Trust Building Activities:
Trust is compulsory between members and throughout the organization. There are various techniques to develop trust in members of team building activities:
• Circle of friends (maximum number of members 10-15, time: 20 minutes required)
• Touch the can (8 larger groups divided into smaller group, time: 15 – 20 minutes)
• Trust box (minimum number of members 10 or more, time: 10 minutes)
• Trust pinball (Group of 10 or more, time: 10 to 15 minutes)
• Trust wave(Group of 10 or more, time: 30 minutes)
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